The Idea
This is true warm sound with the color of LOMO transformers and the precision and reliability of Telegraph Audio.
Feature Box
Feature Box
Telegraph Audio ™
TELEGRAPH AUDIO™ is a new brand of analogue audio equipment, based in Ukraine. In the age of digital technologies, the market offers rather small amount of high-quality vacuum tube equipment. But the connoisseurs of a warm tube sound will fully appreciate our devices – because we do care about the exclusivity of sound and the reliability of our products. Our mission is to enable sound engineers, producers and other music industry creators to produce unique masterpieces.
Device assembly is done by hand using best-quality, durable components. The base of our equipment is chips that are made in Ukraine according to standards approved by the National Academy of Sciences. The design, routing and laconic placement of components are carried out by skilful and experienced engineers of Telegraph Audio™. In “Limited Edition” devices we use original vintage transformers, manufactured at legendary LOMO factory.
07.05,2019 XII Всеукраїнський навчально-практичний семінар звукорежисерів
З великим задоволенням і певним хвилюванням презентуємо два прилади від Telegraph Audio ™ - TA-27...